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The total number of owned retail pharmacy locations exceeds 220, some of which are licensed for the storage and dispensing of potent, narcotic, and psychotropic drugs.

Some pharmacies also provide custom compounding services. Along with general-purpose medications, these pharmacies offer orphan drugs, therapeutic cosmetics, parapharmaceuticals, medical devices, and orthopedic products. Several pharmacies also have optical departments. Additionally, two Moscow pharmacies within the Pharmimex group are independent legal entities.
The regional network of JSC Pharmimex is a robust system with the capability to supply all regions of the Russian Federation. It consists of 8 branches, 3 subsidiaries, 2 regional trading offices, and warehouse complexes in 17 regions, with a total area of over 42,000 m², including a validated cold chain infrastructure.

Since 1996, Pharmimex branches have been successfully developing, holding a significant position in the regional pharmaceutical market in Russia, and playing a major role in ensuring the population's access to medicines.



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